NightWing Enterprises Demo for FileMaker Pro 9


Live data visualisations on FileMaker Layouts!

Dynamic Charting

For FileMaker 9!

As a courtesy to fellow developers and potential clients, the
following demonstration file is provided for free download.
This file demonstrates a native FileMaker 9 technique for creating live data visualisations - in this demo, a simple bar chart as pictured below. One of the most exciting enhancements in FileMaker 9 is the extended support for data URLs. This demo provides a small taste of what is possible with the increased power of this release!
We've described the technique as dynamic because charts created in this way will update automatically as data (both local and related) is edited, without the need to run a script. Thus the display of visual information is "live" and will change as you edit the data in your solutions.
The implementation shown here leverages capabilities introduced with FileMaker 9, enabling visually rich data displays to be generated on-the-fly using the calculation engine. The technique is versatile and it provides seamless cross-platform functionality.
This demo file is unlocked and password-free, compliments of NightWing Enterprises.

NB: If you may require assistance implementing procedures such as those shown in our
example files, please consider establishing an account with us for developer support.