NightWing Enterprises Demo for FileMaker Pro 9


Seamless, native & dynamic user feedback!

Progress Bars

For FileMaker 9!

As a courtesy to fellow developers and potential clients, the
following demonstration file is provided for free download.
For a decade or more, professional FileMaker developers have contrived to display various kinds of indicators to alert users to the status of lengthy operations - especially long running scripts. There have been various techniques (and we've used some of them in our own solutions, in the past). But this one is different - it uses a new approach made possible for the first time in FileMaker 9.
The technique shown here uses a tiny web viewer to display content rich progress indicators. The web viewer uses FileMaker's calculation engine to adjust its display based on the value in a global counter field.
In one of the two examples shown here, the widths of two html table columns are varied according to the number of loops the script has passed through. Since the technology of the Web Viewer supports it, we've embedded images (which we supply in container fields in the System table) to give the indicators an engaging and visually dynamic appearance. The technique is in fact an alternative application of the principles used for the Dynamic Charting demo, another in the 949 series of examples.
This demo file is unlocked and password-free, compliments of NightWing Enterprises.

NB: If you may require assistance implementing procedures such as those shown in our
example files, please consider establishing an account with us for developer support.